Annotation Support for Scheduling and Asynchronous Execution

Spring provides annotation support for both task scheduling and asynchronous method execution.

Enable Scheduling Annotations

To enable support for @Scheduled and @Async annotations, you can add @EnableScheduling and @EnableAsync to one of your @Configuration classes, as the following example shows:

public class AppConfig {

You can pick and choose the relevant annotations for your application. For example, if you need only support for @Scheduled, you can omit @EnableAsync. For more fine-grained control, you can additionally implement the SchedulingConfigurer interface, the AsyncConfigurer interface, or both. See the SchedulingConfigurer and AsyncConfigurer javadoc for full details.

If you prefer XML configuration, you can use the <task:annotation-driven> element, as the following example shows:

<task:annotation-driven executor="myExecutor" scheduler="myScheduler"/>
<task:executor id="myExecutor" pool-size="5"/>
<task:scheduler id="myScheduler" pool-size="10"/>

Note that, with the preceding XML, an executor reference is provided for handling those tasks that correspond to methods with the @Async annotation, and the scheduler reference is provided for managing those methods annotated with @Scheduled.

The default advice mode for processing @Async annotations is proxy which allows for interception of calls through the proxy only. Local calls within the same class cannot get intercepted that way. For a more advanced mode of interception, consider switching to aspectj mode in combination with compile-time or load-time weaving.

The @Scheduled annotation

You can add the @Scheduled annotation to a method, along with trigger metadata. For example, the following method is invoked every five seconds with a fixed delay, meaning that the period is measured from the completion time of each preceding invocation:

public void doSomething() {
	// something that should execute periodically

If you need a fixed-rate execution, you can change the property name specified within the annotation. The following method is invoked every five seconds (measured between the successive start times of each invocation):

public void doSomething() {
	// something that should execute periodically

For fixed-delay and fixed-rate tasks, you can specify an initial delay by indicating the number of milliseconds to wait before the first execution of the method, as the following fixedRate example shows:

@Scheduled(initialDelay=1000, fixedRate=5000)
public void doSomething() {
	// something that should execute periodically

If simple periodic scheduling is not expressive enough, you can provide a cron expression. For example, the following executes only on weekdays:

@Scheduled(cron="*/5 * * * * MON-FRI")
public void doSomething() {
	// something that should execute on weekdays only
You can also use the zone attribute to specify the time zone in which the cron expression is resolved.

Notice that the methods to be scheduled must have void returns and must not expect any arguments. If the method needs to interact with other objects from the application context, those would typically have been provided through dependency injection.

As of Spring Framework 4.3, @Scheduled methods are supported on beans of any scope.

Make sure that you are not initializing multiple instances of the same @Scheduled annotation class at runtime, unless you do want to schedule callbacks to each such instance. Related to this, make sure that you do not use @Configurable on bean classes that are annotated with @Scheduled and registered as regular Spring beans with the container. Otherwise, you would get double initialization (once through the container and once through the @Configurable aspect), with the consequence of each @Scheduled method being invoked twice.

The @Async annotation

You can provide the @Async annotation on a method so that invocation of that method occurs asynchronously. In other words, the caller returns immediately upon invocation, while the actual execution of the method occurs in a task that has been submitted to a Spring TaskExecutor. In the simplest case, you can apply the annotation to a method that returns void, as the following example shows:

void doSomething() {
	// this will be executed asynchronously

Unlike the methods annotated with the @Scheduled annotation, these methods can expect arguments, because they are invoked in the “normal” way by callers at runtime rather than from a scheduled task being managed by the container. For example, the following code is a legitimate application of the @Async annotation:

void doSomething(String s) {
	// this will be executed asynchronously

Even methods that return a value can be invoked asynchronously. However, such methods are required to have a Future-typed return value. This still provides the benefit of asynchronous execution so that the caller can perform other tasks prior to calling get() on that Future. The following example shows how to use @Async on a method that returns a value:

Future<String> returnSomething(int i) {
	// this will be executed asynchronously
@Async methods may not only declare a regular java.util.concurrent.Future return type but also Spring’s org.springframework.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture or, as of Spring 4.2, JDK 8’s java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture, for richer interaction with the asynchronous task and for immediate composition with further processing steps.

You can not use @Async in conjunction with lifecycle callbacks such as @PostConstruct. To asynchronously initialize Spring beans, you currently have to use a separate initializing Spring bean that then invokes the @Async annotated method on the target, as the following example shows:

public class SampleBeanImpl implements SampleBean {

	void doSomething() {
		// ...


public class SampleBeanInitializer {

	private final SampleBean bean;

	public SampleBeanInitializer(SampleBean bean) {
		this.bean = bean;

	public void initialize() {

There is no direct XML equivalent for @Async, since such methods should be designed for asynchronous execution in the first place, not externally re-declared to be asynchronous. However, you can manually set up Spring’s AsyncExecutionInterceptor with Spring AOP, in combination with a custom pointcut.

Executor Qualification with @Async

By default, when specifying @Async on a method, the executor that is used is the one configured when enabling async support, i.e. the “annotation-driven” element if you are using XML or your AsyncConfigurer implementation, if any. However, you can use the value attribute of the @Async annotation when you need to indicate that an executor other than the default should be used when executing a given method. The following example shows how to do so:

void doSomething(String s) {
	// this will be executed asynchronously by "otherExecutor"

In this case, "otherExecutor" can be the name of any Executor bean in the Spring container, or it may be the name of a qualifier associated with any Executor (for example, as specified with the <qualifier> element or Spring’s @Qualifier annotation).

Exception Management with @Async

When an @Async method has a Future-typed return value, it is easy to manage an exception that was thrown during the method execution, as this exception is thrown when calling get on the Future result. With a void return type, however, the exception is uncaught and cannot be transmitted. You can provide an AsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler to handle such exceptions. The following example shows how to do so:

public class MyAsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler implements AsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler {

	public void handleUncaughtException(Throwable ex, Method method, Object... params) {
		// handle exception

By default, the exception is merely logged. You can define a custom AsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler by using AsyncConfigurer or the <task:annotation-driven/> XML element.