
Router DSL

Spring Framework comes with a Kotlin router DSL available in 3 flavors:

These DSL let you write clean and idiomatic Kotlin code to build a RouterFunction instance as the following example shows:

class RouterRouterConfiguration {

	fun mainRouter(userHandler: UserHandler) = router {
		accept(TEXT_HTML).nest {
			GET("/") { ok().render("index") }
			GET("/sse") { ok().render("sse") }
			GET("/users", userHandler::findAllView)
		"/api".nest {
			accept(APPLICATION_JSON).nest {
				GET("/users", userHandler::findAll)
			accept(TEXT_EVENT_STREAM).nest {
				GET("/users", userHandler::stream)
		resources("/**", ClassPathResource("static/"))
This DSL is programmatic, meaning that it allows custom registration logic of beans through an if expression, a for loop, or any other Kotlin constructs. That can be useful when you need to register routes depending on dynamic data (for example, from a database).

See MiXiT project for a concrete example.

MockMvc DSL

A Kotlin DSL is provided via MockMvc Kotlin extensions in order to provide a more idiomatic Kotlin API and to allow better discoverability (no usage of static methods).

val mockMvc: MockMvc = ...
mockMvc.get("/person/{name}", "Lee") {
	secure = true
	headers {
		contentLanguage = Locale.FRANCE
	principal = Principal { "foo" }
}.andExpect {
	status { isOk }
	content { contentType(APPLICATION_JSON) }
	jsonPath("$.name") { value("Lee") }
	content { json("""{"someBoolean": false}""", false) }
}.andDo {

Kotlin Script Templates

Spring Framework provides a ScriptTemplateView which supports JSR-223 to render templates by using script engines.

By leveraging kotlin-script-runtime and scripting-jsr223-embeddable dependencies, it is possible to use such feature to render Kotlin-based templates with kotlinx.html DSL or Kotlin multiline interpolated String.


dependencies {

Configuration is usually done with ScriptTemplateConfigurer and ScriptTemplateViewResolver beans.


class KotlinScriptConfiguration {

	fun kotlinScriptConfigurer() = ScriptTemplateConfigurer().apply {
		engineName = "kotlin"
		renderFunction = "render"
		isSharedEngine = false

    fun kotlinScriptViewResolver() = ScriptTemplateViewResolver().apply {

See the kotlin-script-templating example project for more details.