
JCA specifies several levels of transaction support for resource adapters. The kind of transactions that your resource adapter supports is specified in its ra.xml file. There are essentially three options: none (for example, with the CICS EPI connector), local transactions (for example, with a CICS ECI connector), and global transactions (for example, with an IMS connector). The following example configures the global option:

		<!-- <transaction-support>NoTransaction</transaction-support> -->
		<!-- <transaction-support>LocalTransaction</transaction-support> -->

For global transactions, you can use Spring’s generic transaction infrastructure to demarcate transactions, with JtaTransactionManager as the backend (delegating to the Java EE server’s distributed transaction coordinator underneath).

For local transactions on a single CCI ConnectionFactory, Spring provides a specific transaction-management strategy for CCI, analogous to the DataSourceTransactionManager for JDBC. The CCI API defines a local transaction object and corresponding local transaction demarcation methods. Spring’s CciLocalTransactionManager executes such local CCI transactions in a fashion that is fully compliant with Spring’s generic PlatformTransactionManager abstraction. The following example configures a CciLocalTransactionManager:

<jee:jndi-lookup id="eciConnectionFactory" jndi-name="eis/cicseci"/>

<bean id="eciTransactionManager"
	<property name="connectionFactory" ref="eciConnectionFactory"/>

You can use both transaction strategies with any of Spring’s transaction demarcation facilities, be it declarative or programmatic. This is a consequence of Spring’s generic PlatformTransactionManager abstraction, which decouples transaction demarcation from the actual execution strategy. You can switch between JtaTransactionManager and CciLocalTransactionManager as needed, keeping your transaction demarcation as-is.

For more information on Spring’s transaction facilities, see Transaction Management.