Setting up Zookeeper Dependencies

Consider the following example of dependency representation:

application.yml yourServiceName
      path: /path/where/newsletter/has/registered/in/zookeeper
      loadBalancerType: ROUND_ROBIN
      contentTypeTemplate: application/vnd.newsletter.$version+json
      version: v1
            - value1
            - value2
      required: false
      stubs: org.springframework:foo:stubs
      path: /path/where/mailing/has/registered/in/zookeeper
      loadBalancerType: ROUND_ROBIN
      contentTypeTemplate: application/vnd.mailing.$version+json
      version: v1
      required: true

The next few sections go through each part of the dependency one by one. The root property name is


Below the root property you have to represent each dependency as an alias. This is due to the constraints of Ribbon, which requires that the application ID be placed in the URL. Consequently, you cannot pass any complex path, suchas /myApp/myRoute/name). The alias is the name you use instead of the serviceId for DiscoveryClient, Feign, or RestTemplate.

In the previous examples, the aliases are newsletter and mailing. The following example shows Feign usage with a newsletter alias:

public interface NewsletterService {
        @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/newsletter")
        String getNewsletters();


The path is represented by the path YAML property and is the path under which the dependency is registered under Zookeeper. As described in the previous section, Ribbon operates on URLs. As a result, this path is not compliant with its requirement. That is why Spring Cloud Zookeeper maps the alias to the proper path.

Load Balancer Type

The load balancer type is represented by loadBalancerType YAML property.

If you know what kind of load-balancing strategy has to be applied when calling this particular dependency, you can provide it in the YAML file, and it is automatically applied. You can choose one of the following load balancing strategies:

  • STICKY: Once chosen, the instance is always called.

  • RANDOM: Picks an instance randomly.

  • ROUND_ROBIN: Iterates over instances over and over again.

Content-Type Template and Version

The Content-Type template and version are represented by the contentTypeTemplate and version YAML properties.

If you version your API in the Content-Type header, you do not want to add this header to each of your requests. Also, if you want to call a new version of the API, you do not want to roam around your code to bump up the API version. That is why you can provide a contentTypeTemplate with a special $version placeholder. That placeholder will be filled by the value of the version YAML property. Consider the following example of a contentTypeTemplate:


Further consider the following version:


The combination of contentTypeTemplate and version results in the creation of a Content-Type header for each request, as follows:


Default Headers

Default headers are represented by the headers map in YAML.

Sometimes, each call to a dependency requires setting up of some default headers. To not do that in code, you can set them up in the YAML file, as shown in the following example headers section:

        - text/html
        - application/xhtml+xml
        - no-cache

That headers section results in adding the Accept and Cache-Control headers with appropriate list of values in your HTTP request.

Required Dependencies

Required dependencies are represented by required property in YAML.

If one of your dependencies is required to be up when your application boots, you can set the required: true property in the YAML file.

If your application cannot localize the required dependency during boot time, it throws an exception, and the Spring Context fails to set up. In other words, your application cannot start if the required dependency is not registered in Zookeeper.

You can read more about Spring Cloud Zookeeper Presence Checker later in this document.


You can provide a colon-separated path to the JAR containing stubs of the dependency, as shown in the following example:

stubs: org.springframework:myApp:stubs


  • org.springframework is the groupId.

  • myApp is the artifactId.

  • stubs is the classifier. (Note that stubs is the default value.)

Because stubs is the default classifier, the preceding example is equal to the following example:

stubs: org.springframework:myApp