Zuul Developer Guide

For a general overview of how Zuul works, see the Zuul Wiki.

The Zuul Servlet

Zuul is implemented as a Servlet. For the general cases, Zuul is embedded into the Spring Dispatch mechanism. This lets Spring MVC be in control of the routing. In this case, Zuul buffers requests. If there is a need to go through Zuul without buffering requests (for example, for large file uploads), the Servlet is also installed outside of the Spring Dispatcher. By default, the servlet has an address of /zuul. This path can be changed with the zuul.servlet-path property.

Zuul RequestContext

To pass information between filters, Zuul uses a RequestContext. Its data is held in a ThreadLocal specific to each request. Information about where to route requests, errors, and the actual HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse are stored there. The RequestContext extends ConcurrentHashMap, so anything can be stored in the context. FilterConstants contains the keys used by the filters installed by Spring Cloud Netflix (more on these later).

@EnableZuulProxy vs. @EnableZuulServer

Spring Cloud Netflix installs a number of filters, depending on which annotation was used to enable Zuul. @EnableZuulProxy is a superset of @EnableZuulServer. In other words, @EnableZuulProxy contains all the filters installed by @EnableZuulServer. The additional filters in the “proxy” enable routing functionality. If you want a “blank” Zuul, you should use @EnableZuulServer.

@EnableZuulServer Filters

@EnableZuulServer creates a SimpleRouteLocator that loads route definitions from Spring Boot configuration files.

The following filters are installed (as normal Spring Beans):

  • Pre filters:

    • ServletDetectionFilter: Detects whether the request is through the Spring Dispatcher. Sets a boolean with a key of FilterConstants.IS_DISPATCHER_SERVLET_REQUEST_KEY.

    • FormBodyWrapperFilter: Parses form data and re-encodes it for downstream requests.

    • DebugFilter: If the debug request parameter is set, sets RequestContext.setDebugRouting() and RequestContext.setDebugRequest() to true.

  • Route filters:

    • SendForwardFilter: Forwards requests by using the Servlet RequestDispatcher. The forwarding location is stored in the RequestContext attribute, FilterConstants.FORWARD_TO_KEY. This is useful for forwarding to endpoints in the current application.

  • Post filters:

    • SendResponseFilter: Writes responses from proxied requests to the current response.

  • Error filters:

    • SendErrorFilter: Forwards to /error (by default) if RequestContext.getThrowable() is not null. You can change the default forwarding path (/error) by setting the error.path property.

@EnableZuulProxy Filters

Creates a DiscoveryClientRouteLocator that loads route definitions from a DiscoveryClient (such as Eureka) as well as from properties. A route is created for each serviceId from the DiscoveryClient. As new services are added, the routes are refreshed.

In addition to the filters described earlier, the following filters are installed (as normal Spring Beans):

  • Pre filters:

    • PreDecorationFilter: Determines where and how to route, depending on the supplied RouteLocator. It also sets various proxy-related headers for downstream requests.

  • Route filters:

    • RibbonRoutingFilter: Uses Ribbon, Hystrix, and pluggable HTTP clients to send requests. Service IDs are found in the RequestContext attribute, FilterConstants.SERVICE_ID_KEY. This filter can use different HTTP clients:

      • Apache HttpClient: The default client.

      • Squareup OkHttpClient v3: Enabled by having the com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp library on the classpath and setting ribbon.okhttp.enabled=true.

      • Netflix Ribbon HTTP client: Enabled by setting ribbon.restclient.enabled=true. This client has limitations, including that it does not support the PATCH method, but it also has built-in retry.

    • SimpleHostRoutingFilter: Sends requests to predetermined URLs through an Apache HttpClient. URLs are found in RequestContext.getRouteHost().

Custom Zuul Filter Examples

Most of the following "How to Write" examples below are included Sample Zuul Filters project. There are also examples of manipulating the request or response body in that repository.

This section includes the following examples:

How to Write a Pre Filter

Pre filters set up data in the RequestContext for use in filters downstream. The main use case is to set information required for route filters. The following example shows a Zuul pre filter:

public class QueryParamPreFilter extends ZuulFilter {
	public int filterOrder() {
		return PRE_DECORATION_FILTER_ORDER - 1; // run before PreDecoration

	public String filterType() {
		return PRE_TYPE;

	public boolean shouldFilter() {
		RequestContext ctx = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();
		return !ctx.containsKey(FORWARD_TO_KEY) // a filter has already forwarded
				&& !ctx.containsKey(SERVICE_ID_KEY); // a filter has already determined serviceId
    public Object run() {
        RequestContext ctx = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();
		HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getRequest();
		if (request.getParameter("sample") != null) {
		    // put the serviceId in `RequestContext`
    		ctx.put(SERVICE_ID_KEY, request.getParameter("foo"));
        return null;

The preceding filter populates SERVICE_ID_KEY from the sample request parameter. In practice, you should not do that kind of direct mapping. Instead, the service ID should be looked up from the value of sample instead.

Now that SERVICE_ID_KEY is populated, PreDecorationFilter does not run and RibbonRoutingFilter runs.

If you want to route to a full URL, call ctx.setRouteHost(url) instead.

To modify the path to which routing filters forward, set the REQUEST_URI_KEY.

How to Write a Route Filter

Route filters run after pre filters and make requests to other services. Much of the work here is to translate request and response data to and from the model required by the client. The following example shows a Zuul route filter:

public class OkHttpRoutingFilter extends ZuulFilter {
	private ProxyRequestHelper helper;

	public String filterType() {
		return ROUTE_TYPE;

	public int filterOrder() {

	public boolean shouldFilter() {
		return RequestContext.getCurrentContext().getRouteHost() != null
				&& RequestContext.getCurrentContext().sendZuulResponse();

    public Object run() {
		OkHttpClient httpClient = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
				// customize

		RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();
		HttpServletRequest request = context.getRequest();

		String method = request.getMethod();

		String uri = this.helper.buildZuulRequestURI(request);

		Headers.Builder headers = new Headers.Builder();
		Enumeration<String> headerNames = request.getHeaderNames();
		while (headerNames.hasMoreElements()) {
			String name = headerNames.nextElement();
			Enumeration<String> values = request.getHeaders(name);

			while (values.hasMoreElements()) {
				String value = values.nextElement();
				headers.add(name, value);

		InputStream inputStream = request.getInputStream();

		RequestBody requestBody = null;
		if (inputStream != null && HttpMethod.permitsRequestBody(method)) {
			MediaType mediaType = null;
			if (headers.get("Content-Type") != null) {
				mediaType = MediaType.parse(headers.get("Content-Type"));
			requestBody = RequestBody.create(mediaType, StreamUtils.copyToByteArray(inputStream));

		Request.Builder builder = new Request.Builder()
				.method(method, requestBody);

		Response response = httpClient.newCall(builder.build()).execute();

		LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String> responseHeaders = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();

		for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : response.headers().toMultimap().entrySet()) {
			responseHeaders.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

		this.helper.setResponse(response.code(), response.body().byteStream(),
		context.setRouteHost(null); // prevent SimpleHostRoutingFilter from running
		return null;

The preceding filter translates Servlet request information into OkHttp3 request information, executes an HTTP request, and translates OkHttp3 response information to the Servlet response.

How to Write a Post Filter

Post filters typically manipulate the response. The following filter adds a random UUID as the X-Sample header:

public class AddResponseHeaderFilter extends ZuulFilter {
	public String filterType() {
		return POST_TYPE;

	public int filterOrder() {

	public boolean shouldFilter() {
		return true;

	public Object run() {
		RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();
    	HttpServletResponse servletResponse = context.getResponse();
		servletResponse.addHeader("X-Sample", UUID.randomUUID().toString());
		return null;
Other manipulations, such as transforming the response body, are much more complex and computationally intensive.

How Zuul Errors Work

If an exception is thrown during any portion of the Zuul filter lifecycle, the error filters are executed. The SendErrorFilter is only run if RequestContext.getThrowable() is not null. It then sets specific javax.servlet.error.* attributes in the request and forwards the request to the Spring Boot error page.

Zuul Eager Application Context Loading

Zuul internally uses Ribbon for calling the remote URLs. By default, Ribbon clients are lazily loaded by Spring Cloud on first call. This behavior can be changed for Zuul by using the following configuration, which results eager loading of the child Ribbon related Application contexts at application startup time. The following example shows how to enable eager loading:

      enabled: true