
When you use Ribbon with Spring Retry, you can control the retry functionality by configuring certain Ribbon properties. To do so, set the client.ribbon.MaxAutoRetries, client.ribbon.MaxAutoRetriesNextServer, and client.ribbon.OkToRetryOnAllOperations properties. See the Ribbon documentation for a description of what these properties do.

Enabling client.ribbon.OkToRetryOnAllOperations includes retrying POST requests, which can have an impact on the server’s resources, due to the buffering of the request body.
The property names are case-sensitive, and since some of these properties are defined in the Netflix Ribbon project, they are in Pascal Case and the ones from Spring Cloud are in Camel Case.

In addition, you may want to retry requests when certain status codes are returned in the response. You can list the response codes you would like the Ribbon client to retry by setting the clientName.ribbon.retryableStatusCodes property, as shown in the following example:

    retryableStatusCodes: 404,502

You can also create a bean of type LoadBalancedRetryPolicy and implement the retryableStatusCode method to retry a request given the status code.


You can turn off Zuul’s retry functionality by setting zuul.retryable to false. You can also disable retry functionality on a route-by-route basis by setting zuul.routes.routename.retryable to false.