Specifying Multiple Urls for the Config Server

To ensure high availability when you have multiple instances of Config Server deployed and expect one or more instances to be unavailable from time to time, you can either specify multiple URLs (as a comma-separated list under the spring.cloud.config.uri property) or have all your instances register in a Service Registry like Eureka ( if using Discovery-First Bootstrap mode ). Note that doing so ensures high availability only when the Config Server is not running (that is, when the application has exited) or when a connection timeout has occurred. For example, if the Config Server returns a 500 (Internal Server Error) response or the Config Client receives a 401 from the Config Server (due to bad credentials or other causes), the Config Client does not try to fetch properties from other URLs. An error of that kind indicates a user issue rather than an availability problem.

If you use HTTP basic security on your Config Server, it is currently possible to support per-Config Server auth credentials only if you embed the credentials in each URL you specify under the spring.cloud.config.uri property. If you use any other kind of security mechanism, you cannot (currently) support per-Config Server authentication and authorization.