Management Endpoints

By default, if you use @EnableZuulProxy with the Spring Boot Actuator, you enable two additional endpoints:

  • Routes

  • Filters

Routes Endpoint

A GET to the routes endpoint at /routes returns a list of the mapped routes:

GET /routes
  /stores/**: "http://localhost:8081"

Additional route details can be requested by adding the ?format=details query string to /routes. Doing so produces the following output:

GET /routes/details
  "/stores/**": {
    "id": "stores",
    "fullPath": "/stores/**",
    "location": "http://localhost:8081",
    "path": "/**",
    "prefix": "/stores",
    "retryable": false,
    "customSensitiveHeaders": false,
    "prefixStripped": true

A POST to /routes forces a refresh of the existing routes (for example, when there have been changes in the service catalog). You can disable this endpoint by setting endpoints.routes.enabled to false.

the routes should respond automatically to changes in the service catalog, but the POST to /routes is a way to force the change to happen immediately.

Filters Endpoint

A GET to the filters endpoint at /filters returns a map of Zuul filters by type. For each filter type in the map, you get a list of all the filters of that type, along with their details.