Document Mapping

Though there is already support for Entity Mapping within SolrJ, Spring Data Solr ships with its own mapping mechanism shown in the following section. NOTE: DocumentObjectBinder has superior performance. Therefore usage is recommended if there is not need for custom type mapping. You can switch to DocumentObjectBinder by registering SolrJConverter within SolrTemplate.

Mapping Solr Converter

MappingSolrConverter allows you to register custom converters for your SolrDocument and SolrInputDocument as well as for other types nested within your beans. The Converter is not 100% compartible with DocumentObjectBinder and @Indexed has to be added with readonly=true to ignore fields from beeing written to solr.

Example 1. Sample Document Mapping
public class Product {
  private String simpleProperty;

  private String namedPropery;

  private List<String> listOfValues;

  @Indexed(readonly = true)
  private List<String> ignoredFromWriting;

  private Map<String, List<String>> mappedFieldValues;

  private Map<String, String> dynamicMappedFieldValues;

  private GeoLocation location;


Taking a look as the above MappingSolrConverter will do as follows:

Property Write Mapping


<field name="simpleProperty">value</field>


<field name="somePropertyName">value</field>


<field name="listOfValues">value 1</field> <field name="listOfValues">value 2</field> <field name="listOfValues">value 3</field>


//not written to document


<field name="mapentry[0].key">mapentry[0].value[0]</field> <field name="mapentry[0].key">mapentry[0].value[1]</field> <field name="mapentry[1].key">mapentry[1].value[0]</field>


<field name="'dynamicMappedField_' + mapentry[0].key">mapentry[0].value[0]</field> <field name="'dynamicMappedField_' + mapentry[0].key">mapentry[0].value[1]</field> <field name="'dynamicMappedField_' + mapentry[1].key">mapentry[1].value[0]</field>


<field name="location">48.362893,14.534437</field>

To register a custom converter one must add CustomConversions to SolrTemplate initializing it with own Converter implementation.

<bean id="solrConverter" class="">
		<bean class="" />
	<property name="customConversions" ref="customConversions" />

<bean id="customConversions" class="">
			<bean class="com.acme.MyBeanToSolrInputDocumentConverter" />

<bean id="solrTemplate" class="">
	<constructor-arg ref="solrClient" />
	<property name="solrConverter" ref="solrConverter" />