Introduction to MongoTemplate

The MongoTemplate class, located in the package, is the central class of Spring’s MongoDB support and provides a rich feature set for interacting with the database. The template offers convenience operations to create, update, delete, and query MongoDB documents and provides a mapping between your domain objects and MongoDB documents.

Once configured, MongoTemplate is thread-safe and can be reused across multiple instances.

The mapping between MongoDB documents and domain classes is done by delegating to an implementation of the MongoConverter interface. Spring provides MappingMongoConverter, but you can also write your own converter. See “mongo.custom-converters” for more detailed information.

The MongoTemplate class implements the interface MongoOperations. In as much as possible, the methods on MongoOperations are named after methods available on the MongoDB driver Collection object, to make the API familiar to existing MongoDB developers who are used to the driver API. For example, you can find methods such as find, findAndModify, findAndReplace, findOne, insert, remove, save, update, and updateMulti. The design goal was to make it as easy as possible to transition between the use of the base MongoDB driver and MongoOperations. A major difference between the two APIs is that MongoOperations can be passed domain objects instead of Document. Also, MongoOperations has fluent APIs for Query, Criteria, and Update operations instead of populating a Document to specify the parameters for those operations.

The preferred way to reference the operations on MongoTemplate instance is through its interface, MongoOperations.

The default converter implementation used by MongoTemplate is MappingMongoConverter. While the MappingMongoConverter can use additional metadata to specify the mapping of objects to documents, it can also convert objects that contain no additional metadata by using some conventions for the mapping of IDs and collection names. These conventions, as well as the use of mapping annotations, are explained in the “mapping-chapter” chapter.

Another central feature of MongoTemplate is translation of exceptions thrown by the MongoDB Java driver into Spring’s portable Data Access Exception hierarchy. See “mongo.exception” for more information.

MongoTemplate offers many convenience methods to help you easily perform common tasks. However, if you need to directly access the MongoDB driver API, you can use one of several Execute callback methods. The execute callbacks gives you a reference to either a com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection or a com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase object. See the “Execution Callbacks” section for more information.

The next section contains an example of how to work with the MongoTemplate in the context of the Spring container.

Instantiating MongoTemplate

You can use Java to create and register an instance of MongoTemplate, as the following example shows:

Example 1. Registering a com.mongodb.MongoClient object and enabling Spring’s exception translation support
public class AppConfig {

  public @Bean MongoClient mongoClient() {
      return new MongoClient("localhost");

  public @Bean MongoTemplate mongoTemplate() {
      return new MongoTemplate(mongoClient(), "mydatabase");

There are several overloaded constructors of MongoTemplate:

  • MongoTemplate(MongoClient mongo, String databaseName): Takes the MongoClient object and the default database name to operate against.

  • MongoTemplate(MongoDbFactory mongoDbFactory): Takes a MongoDbFactory object that encapsulated the MongoClient object, database name, and username and password.

  • MongoTemplate(MongoDbFactory mongoDbFactory, MongoConverter mongoConverter): Adds a MongoConverter to use for mapping.

You can also configure a MongoTemplate by using Spring’s XML <beans/> schema, as the following example shows:

<mongo:mongo-client host="localhost" port="27017"/>

<bean id="mongoTemplate" class="">
  <constructor-arg ref="mongoClient"/>
  <constructor-arg name="databaseName" value="geospatial"/>

Other optional properties that you might like to set when creating a MongoTemplate are the default WriteResultCheckingPolicy, WriteConcern, and ReadPreference properties.

The preferred way to reference the operations on MongoTemplate instance is through its interface, MongoOperations.

WriteResultChecking Policy

When in development, it is handy to either log or throw an exception if the com.mongodb.WriteResult returned from any MongoDB operation contains an error. It is quite common to forget to do this during development and then end up with an application that looks like it runs successfully when, in fact, the database was not modified according to your expectations. You can set the WriteResultChecking property of MongoTemplate to one of the following values: EXCEPTION or NONE, to either throw an Exception or do nothing, respectively. The default is to use a WriteResultChecking value of NONE.


If it has not yet been specified through the driver at a higher level (such as com.mongodb.MongoClient), you can set the com.mongodb.WriteConcern property that the MongoTemplate uses for write operations. If the WriteConcern property is not set, it defaults to the one set in the MongoDB driver’s DB or Collection setting.


For more advanced cases where you want to set different WriteConcern values on a per-operation basis (for remove, update, insert, and save operations), a strategy interface called WriteConcernResolver can be configured on MongoTemplate. Since MongoTemplate is used to persist POJOs, the WriteConcernResolver lets you create a policy that can map a specific POJO class to a WriteConcern value. The following listing shows the WriteConcernResolver interface:

public interface WriteConcernResolver {
  WriteConcern resolve(MongoAction action);

You can use the MongoAction argument to determine the WriteConcern value or use the value of the Template itself as a default. MongoAction contains the collection name being written to, the java.lang.Class of the POJO, the converted Document, the operation (REMOVE, UPDATE, INSERT, INSERT_LIST, or SAVE), and a few other pieces of contextual information. The following example shows two sets of classes getting different WriteConcern settings:

private class MyAppWriteConcernResolver implements WriteConcernResolver {

  public WriteConcern resolve(MongoAction action) {
    if (action.getEntityClass().getSimpleName().contains("Audit")) {
      return WriteConcern.NONE;
    } else if (action.getEntityClass().getSimpleName().contains("Metadata")) {
      return WriteConcern.JOURNAL_SAFE;
    return action.getDefaultWriteConcern();