Field Stats

Field stats are used to retrieve statistics (max, min, sum, count, mean, missing, stddev and distinct calculations) of given fields from Solr. It is possible by providing StatsOptions to your query and reading the FieldStatsResult from the returned StatsPage. This could be achieved for instance, using SolrTemplate as follows:

// simple field stats
StatsOptions statsOptions = new StatsOptions().addField("price");

// query
SimpleQuery statsQuery = new SimpleQuery("*:*");
StatsPage<Product> statsPage = solrTemplate.queryForStatsPage(statsQuery, Product.class);

// retrieving stats info
FieldStatsResult priceStatResult = statResultPage.getFieldStatsResult("price");
Object max = priceStatResult.getMax();
Long missing = priceStatResult.getMissing();

The same result could be achieved annotating the repository method with @Stats as follows:

@Stats(value = { "price" })
StatsPage<Product> findByName(String name, Pageable page);

Distinct calculation and faceting are also supported:

// for distinct calculation
StatsOptions statsOptions = new StatsOptions()
    // for distinct calculation
    // for faceting

// query
SimpleQuery statsQuery = new SimpleQuery("*:*");
StatsPage<Product> statsPage = solrTemplate.queryForStatsPage(statsQuery, Product.class);

// field stats
FieldStatsResult categoryStatResult = statResultPage.getFieldStatsResult("category");

// retrieving distinct
List<Object> categoryValues = priceStatResult.getDistinctValues();
Long distinctCount = categoryStatResult.getDistinctCount();

// retrieving faceting
Map<String, StatsResult> availabilityFacetResult = categoryStatResult.getFacetStatsResult("availability");
Long availableCount = availabilityFacetResult.get("true").getCount();

The annotated version of the sample above would be:

@Stats(value = "category", facets = { "availability" }, calcDistinct = true)
StatsPage<Product> findByName(String name);

In order to perform a selective faceting or selective distinct calculation, @SelectiveStats may be used as follows:

// selective distinct faceting
Field facetField = getFacetField();
StatsOptions statsOptions = new StatsOptions()
// or annotating repository method as follows
@Stats(value = "price", selective = @SelectiveStats(field = "category", facets = { "name", "available" }))

// selective distinct calculation
StatsOptions statsOptions = new StatsOptions()
// or annotating repository method as follows
@Stats(value = "price", selective = @SelectiveStats(field = "category", calcDistinct = true))