Filter Query

Filter Queries improve query speed and do not influence document score. It is recommended to implement geospatial search as filter query. NOTE: Please note that in solr, unless otherwise specified, all units of distance are kilometers and points are in degrees of latitude,longitude.

Query query = new SimpleQuery(new Criteria("category").is("supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"));
FilterQuery fq = new SimpleFilterQuery(new Criteria("store")
  .near(new Point(48.305478, 14.286699), new Distance(5)));

Simple filter queries can also be defined using @Query . NOTE: Using @Query allows you to define place holders which will use your input parameter as value.

@Query(value = "*:*", filters = { "inStock:true", "popularity:[* TO 3]" })
List<Product> findAllFilterAvailableTrueAndPopularityLessThanEqual3();