Reactive ClientSession support

The reactive counterpart uses the same building blocks as the imperative one, as the following example shows:

Example 1. ClientSession with ReactiveMongoOperations
ClientSessionOptions sessionOptions = ClientSessionOptions.builder()

Publisher<ClientSession> session = client.startSession(sessionOptions); (1)

    .execute(action -> {

        Query query = query(where("name").is("Durzo Blint"));
        return action.findOne(query, Person.class)
            .flatMap(durzo -> {

                Person azoth = new Person("Kylar Stern");

                return action.insert(azoth);                            (2)
    }, ClientSession::close)                                            (3)
    .subscribe();                                                       (4)
1 Obtain a Publisher for new session retrieval.
2 Use ReactiveMongoOperation methods as before. The ClientSession is obtained and applied automatically.
3 Make sure to close the ClientSession.
4 Nothing happens until you subscribe. See the Project Reactor Reference Guide for details.

By using a Publisher that provides the actual session, you can defer session acquisition to the point of actual subscription. Still, you need to close the session when done, so as to not pollute the server with stale sessions. Use the doFinally hook on execute to call ClientSession#close() when you no longer need the session. If you prefer having more control over the session itself, you can obtain the ClientSession through the driver and provide it through a Supplier.

Reactive use of ClientSession is limited to Template API usage. There’s currently no session integration with reactive repositories.