Passing Your Own Spring Cloud LoadBalancer Configuration

You can also use the @LoadBalancerClient annotation to pass your own load-balancer client configuration, passing the name of the load-balancer client and the configuration class, as follows:

@LoadBalancerClient(value = "stores", configuration = CustomLoadBalancerConfiguration.class)
public class MyConfiguration {

	public WebClient.Builder loadBalancedWebClientBuilder() {
		return WebClient.builder();

You can use this feature to instantiate different implementations of ServiceInstanceListSupplier or ReactorLoadBalancer, either written by you, or provided by us as alternatives (for example ZonePreferenceServiceInstanceListSupplier) to override the default setup.

You can see an example of a custom cofiguration here.

The annotation value arguments (stores in the example above) specifies the service id of the service that we should send the requests to with the given custom configuration.

You can also pass multiple configurations (for more than one load-balancer client) through the @LoadBalancerClients annotation, as the following example shows:

@LoadBalancerClients({@LoadBalancerClient(value = "stores", configuration = StoresLoadBalancerClientConfiguration.class), @LoadBalancerClient(value = "customers", configuration = CustomersLoadBalancerClientConfiguration.class)})
public class MyConfiguration {

	public WebClient.Builder loadBalancedWebClientBuilder() {
		return WebClient.builder();