Access Control Lists (ACLs)

You can add authentication information for Zookeeper ACLs by calling the addAuthInfo method of a CuratorFramework bean. One way to accomplish this is to provide your own CuratorFramework bean, as shown in the following example:

public class CustomCuratorFrameworkConfig {

  public CuratorFramework curatorFramework() {
    CuratorFramework curator = new CuratorFramework();
    curator.addAuthInfo("digest", "user:password".getBytes());
    return curator;


Consult the ZookeeperAutoConfiguration class to see how the CuratorFramework bean’s default configuration.

Alternatively, you can add your credentials from a class that depends on the existing CuratorFramework bean, as shown in the following example:

public class DefaultCuratorFrameworkConfig {

  public ZookeeperConfig(CuratorFramework curator) {
    curator.addAuthInfo("digest", "user:password".getBytes());


The creation of this bean must occur during the boostrapping phase. You can register configuration classes to run during this phase by annotating them with @BootstrapConfiguration and including them in a comma-separated list that you set as the value of the property in the resources/META-INF/spring.factories file, as shown in the following example:
