
Spring Data’s Reactive MongoDB support comes with a reduced feature set compared to the blocking MongoDB Repositories.

It supports the following features:

Reactive Repositories do not support type-safe query methods that use Querydsl.

Geo-spatial Repository Queries

As you saw earlier in “mongodb.reactive.repositories.queries.geo-spatial”, a few keywords trigger geo-spatial operations within a MongoDB query. The Near keyword allows some further modification, as the next few examples show.

The following example shows how to define a near query that finds all persons with a given distance of a given point:

Example 1. Advanced Near queries
public interface PersonRepository extends ReactiveMongoRepository<Person, String>

  // { 'location' : { '$near' : [point.x, point.y], '$maxDistance' : distance}}
  Flux<Person> findByLocationNear(Point location, Distance distance);

Adding a Distance parameter to the query method allows restricting results to those within the given distance. If the Distance was set up containing a Metric, we transparently use $nearSphere instead of $code, as the following example shows:

Example 2. Using Distance with Metrics
Point point = new Point(43.7, 48.8);
Distance distance = new Distance(200, Metrics.KILOMETERS);
… = repository.findByLocationNear(point, distance);
// {'location' : {'$nearSphere' : [43.7, 48.8], '$maxDistance' : 0.03135711885774796}}
Reactive Geo-spatial repository queries support the domain type and GeoResult<T> results within a reactive wrapper type. GeoPage and GeoResults are not supported as they contradict the deferred result approach with pre-calculating the average distance. Howevery, you can still pass in a Pageable argument to page results yourself.

Using a Distance with a Metric causes a $nearSphere (instead of a plain $near) clause to be added. Beyond that, the actual distance gets calculated according to the Metrics used.

(Note that Metric does not refer to metric units of measure. It could be miles rather than kilometers. Rather, metric refers to the concept of a system of measurement, regardless of which system you use.)

Using @GeoSpatialIndexed(type = GeoSpatialIndexType.GEO_2DSPHERE) on the target property forces usage of $nearSphere operator.

Geo-near Queries

Spring Data MongoDB supports geo-near queries, as the following example shows:

public interface PersonRepository extends ReactiveMongoRepository<Person, String>

  // {'geoNear' : 'location', 'near' : [x, y] }
  Flux<GeoResult<Person>> findByLocationNear(Point location);

  // No metric: {'geoNear' : 'person', 'near' : [x, y], maxDistance : distance }
  // Metric: {'geoNear' : 'person', 'near' : [x, y], 'maxDistance' : distance,
  //          'distanceMultiplier' : metric.multiplier, 'spherical' : true }
  Flux<GeoResult<Person>> findByLocationNear(Point location, Distance distance);

  // Metric: {'geoNear' : 'person', 'near' : [x, y], 'minDistance' : min,
  //          'maxDistance' : max, 'distanceMultiplier' : metric.multiplier,
  //          'spherical' : true }
  Flux<GeoResult<Person>> findByLocationNear(Point location, Distance min, Distance max);

  // {'geoNear' : 'location', 'near' : [x, y] }
  Flux<GeoResult<Person>> findByLocationNear(Point location);