1. Working with NoSQL Technologies
Spring Data provides additional projects that help you access a variety of NoSQL technologies, including:
Spring Boot provides auto-configuration for Redis, MongoDB, Neo4j, Elasticsearch, Solr Cassandra, Couchbase, and LDAP. You can make use of the other projects, but you must configure them yourself. Refer to the appropriate reference documentation at spring.io/projects/spring-data.
1.1. Redis
Redis is a cache, message broker, and richly-featured key-value store. Spring Boot offers basic auto-configuration for the Lettuce and Jedis client libraries and the abstractions on top of them provided by Spring Data Redis.
There is a spring-boot-starter-data-redis
“Starter” for collecting the dependencies in a convenient way.
By default, it uses Lettuce.
That starter handles both traditional and reactive applications.
we also provide a spring-boot-starter-data-redis-reactive “Starter” for consistency with the other stores with reactive support.
1.1.1. Connecting to Redis
You can inject an auto-configured RedisConnectionFactory
, StringRedisTemplate
, or vanilla RedisTemplate
instance as you would any other Spring Bean.
By default, the instance tries to connect to a Redis server at localhost:6379
The following listing shows an example of such a bean:
public class MyBean {
private StringRedisTemplate template;
public MyBean(StringRedisTemplate template) {
this.template = template;
// ...
You can also register an arbitrary number of beans that implement LettuceClientConfigurationBuilderCustomizer for more advanced customizations.
If you use Jedis, JedisClientConfigurationBuilderCustomizer is also available.
If you add your own @Bean
of any of the auto-configured types, it replaces the default (except in the case of RedisTemplate
, when the exclusion is based on the bean name, redisTemplate
, not its type).
By default, if commons-pool2
is on the classpath, you get a pooled connection factory.
1.2. MongoDB
MongoDB is an open-source NoSQL document database that uses a JSON-like schema instead of traditional table-based relational data.
Spring Boot offers several conveniences for working with MongoDB, including the spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb
and spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb-reactive
1.2.1. Connecting to a MongoDB Database
To access Mongo databases, you can inject an auto-configured org.springframework.data.mongodb.MongoDbFactory
By default, the instance tries to connect to a MongoDB server at mongodb://localhost/test
The following example shows how to connect to a MongoDB database:
import org.springframework.data.mongodb.MongoDbFactory;
import com.mongodb.DB;
public class MyBean {
private final MongoDbFactory mongo;
public MyBean(MongoDbFactory mongo) {
this.mongo = mongo;
// ...
public void example() {
DB db = mongo.getDb();
// ...
You can set the configprop:spring.data.mongodb.uri[] property to change the URL and configure additional settings such as the replica set, as shown in the following example:
spring.data.mongodb.uri=mongodb://user:[email protected]:12345,mongo2.example.com:23456/test
Alternatively, as long as you use Mongo 2.x, you can specify a host
For example, you might declare the following settings in your application.properties
If you have defined your own MongoClient
, it will be used to auto-configure a suitable MongoDbFactory
Both com.mongodb.MongoClient
and com.mongodb.client.MongoClient
are supported.
If you use the Mongo 3.0 Java driver, spring.data.mongodb.host and spring.data.mongodb.port are not supported.
In such cases, spring.data.mongodb.uri should be used to provide all of the configuration.
If spring.data.mongodb.port is not specified, the default of 27017 is used.
You could delete this line from the example shown earlier.
If you do not use Spring Data Mongo, you can inject com.mongodb.MongoClient beans instead of using MongoDbFactory .
If you want to take complete control of establishing the MongoDB connection, you can also declare your own MongoDbFactory or MongoClient bean.
If you are using the reactive driver, Netty is required for SSL. The auto-configuration configures this factory automatically if Netty is available and the factory to use hasn’t been customized already. |
1.2.2. MongoTemplate
Spring Data MongoDB provides a MongoTemplate
class that is very similar in its design to Spring’s JdbcTemplate
As with JdbcTemplate
, Spring Boot auto-configures a bean for you to inject the template, as follows:
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.MongoTemplate;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class MyBean {
private final MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;
public MyBean(MongoTemplate mongoTemplate) {
this.mongoTemplate = mongoTemplate;
// ...
See the MongoOperations
Javadoc for complete details.
1.2.3. Spring Data MongoDB Repositories
Spring Data includes repository support for MongoDB. As with the JPA repositories discussed earlier, the basic principle is that queries are constructed automatically, based on method names.
In fact, both Spring Data JPA and Spring Data MongoDB share the same common infrastructure.
You could take the JPA example from earlier and, assuming that City
is now a Mongo data class rather than a JPA @Entity
, it works in the same way, as shown in the following example:
package com.example.myapp.domain;
import org.springframework.data.domain.*;
import org.springframework.data.repository.*;
public interface CityRepository extends Repository<City, Long> {
Page<City> findAll(Pageable pageable);
City findByNameAndStateAllIgnoringCase(String name, String state);
You can customize document scanning locations by using the @EntityScan annotation.
For complete details of Spring Data MongoDB, including its rich object mapping technologies, refer to its reference documentation. |
1.2.4. Embedded Mongo
Spring Boot offers auto-configuration for Embedded Mongo.
To use it in your Spring Boot application, add a dependency on de.flapdoodle.embed:de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo
The port that Mongo listens on can be configured by setting the configprop:spring.data.mongodb.port[] property.
To use a randomly allocated free port, use a value of 0.
The MongoClient
created by MongoAutoConfiguration
is automatically configured to use the randomly allocated port.
If you do not configure a custom port, the embedded support uses a random port (rather than 27017) by default. |
If you have SLF4J on the classpath, the output produced by Mongo is automatically routed to a logger named org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.mongo.embedded.EmbeddedMongo
You can declare your own IMongodConfig
and IRuntimeConfig
beans to take control of the Mongo instance’s configuration and logging routing.
The download configuration can be customized by declaring a DownloadConfigBuilderCustomizer
1.3. Neo4j
Neo4j is an open-source NoSQL graph database that uses a rich data model of nodes connected by first class relationships, which is better suited for connected big data than traditional RDBMS approaches.
Spring Boot offers several conveniences for working with Neo4j, including the spring-boot-starter-data-neo4j
1.3.1. Connecting to a Neo4j Database
To access a Neo4j server, you can inject an auto-configured org.neo4j.ogm.session.Session
By default, the instance tries to connect to a Neo4j server at localhost:7687
using the Bolt protocol.
The following example shows how to inject a Neo4j Session
public class MyBean {
private final Session session;
public MyBean(Session session) {
this.session = session;
// ...
You can configure the uri and credentials to use by setting the spring.data.neo4j.*
properties, as shown in the following example:
You can take full control over the session creation by adding either an org.neo4j.ogm.config.Configuration
bean or an org.neo4j.ogm.session.SessionFactory
1.3.2. Using the Embedded Mode
If you add org.neo4j:neo4j-ogm-embedded-driver
to the dependencies of your application, Spring Boot automatically configures an in-process embedded instance of Neo4j that does not persist any data when your application shuts down.
As the embedded Neo4j OGM driver does not provide the Neo4j kernel itself, you have to declare org.neo4j:neo4j as dependency yourself.
Refer to the Neo4j OGM documentation for a list of compatible versions.
The embedded driver takes precedence over the other drivers when there are multiple drivers on the classpath.
You can explicitly disable the embedded mode by setting spring.data.neo4j.embedded.enabled=false
Data Neo4j Tests automatically make use of an embedded Neo4j instance if the embedded driver and Neo4j kernel are on the classpath as described above.
You can enable persistence for the embedded mode by providing a path to a database file in your configuration, e.g. spring.data.neo4j.uri=file://var/tmp/graph.db .
1.3.3. Using Native Types
Neo4j-OGM can map some types, like those in java.time.*
, to String
-based properties or to one of the native types that Neo4j provides.
For backwards compatibility reasons the default for Neo4j-OGM is to use a String
-based representation.
To use native types, add a dependency on either org.neo4j:neo4j-ogm-bolt-native-types
or org.neo4j:neo4j-ogm-embedded-native-types
, and configure the configprop:spring.data.neo4j.use-native-types[] property as shown in the following example:
1.3.4. Neo4jSession
By default, if you are running a web application, the session is bound to the thread for the entire processing of the request (that is, it uses the "Open Session in View" pattern).
If you do not want this behavior, add the following line to your application.properties
1.3.5. Spring Data Neo4j Repositories
Spring Data includes repository support for Neo4j.
Spring Data Neo4j shares the common infrastructure with Spring Data JPA as many other Spring Data modules do.
You could take the JPA example from earlier and define City
as Neo4j OGM @NodeEntity
rather than JPA @Entity
and the repository abstraction works in the same way, as shown in the following example:
package com.example.myapp.domain;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.springframework.data.neo4j.repository.*;
public interface CityRepository extends Neo4jRepository<City, Long> {
Optional<City> findOneByNameAndState(String name, String state);
The spring-boot-starter-data-neo4j
“Starter” enables the repository support as well as transaction management.
You can customize the locations to look for repositories and entities by using @EnableNeo4jRepositories
and @EntityScan
respectively on a @Configuration
For complete details of Spring Data Neo4j, including its object mapping technologies, refer to the reference documentation. |
1.4. Solr
Apache Solr is a search engine.
Spring Boot offers basic auto-configuration for the Solr 5 client library and the abstractions on top of it provided by Spring Data Solr.
There is a spring-boot-starter-data-solr
“Starter” for collecting the dependencies in a convenient way.
1.4.1. Connecting to Solr
You can inject an auto-configured SolrClient
instance as you would any other Spring bean.
By default, the instance tries to connect to a server at localhost:8983/solr
The following example shows how to inject a Solr bean:
public class MyBean {
private SolrClient solr;
public MyBean(SolrClient solr) {
this.solr = solr;
// ...
If you add your own @Bean
of type SolrClient
, it replaces the default.
1.4.2. Spring Data Solr Repositories
Spring Data includes repository support for Apache Solr. As with the JPA repositories discussed earlier, the basic principle is that queries are automatically constructed for you based on method names.
In fact, both Spring Data JPA and Spring Data Solr share the same common infrastructure.
You could take the JPA example from earlier and, assuming that City
is now a @SolrDocument
class rather than a JPA @Entity
, it works in the same way.
IP: For complete details of Spring Data Solr, refer to the reference documentation.
1.5. Elasticsearch
Elasticsearch is an open source, distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine. Spring Boot offers basic auto-configuration for Elasticsearch.
Spring Boot supports several clients:
The official Java "Low Level" and "High Level" REST clients
provided by Spring Data Elasticsearch
The transport client is still available but its support has been deprecated in Spring Data Elasticsearch and Elasticsearch itself.
It will be removed in a future release.
Spring Boot provides a dedicated “Starter”, spring-boot-starter-data-elasticsearch
The Jest client has been deprecated as well, since both Elasticsearch and Spring Data Elasticsearch provide official support for REST clients.
1.5.1. Connecting to Elasticsearch using REST clients
Elasticsearch ships two different REST clients that you can use to query a cluster: the "Low Level" client and the "High Level" client.
If you have the org.elasticsearch.client:elasticsearch-rest-client
dependency on the classpath, Spring Boot will auto-configure and register a RestClient
bean that by default targets localhost:9200
You can further tune how RestClient
is configured, as shown in the following example:
You can also register an arbitrary number of beans that implement RestClientBuilderCustomizer
for more advanced customizations.
To take full control over the registration, define a RestClient
If you have the org.elasticsearch.client:elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client
dependency on the classpath, Spring Boot will auto-configure a RestHighLevelClient
, which wraps any existing RestClient
bean, reusing its HTTP configuration.
1.5.2. Connecting to Elasticsearch using Reactive REST clients
Spring Data Elasticsearch ships ReactiveElasticsearchClient
for querying Elasticsearch instances in a reactive fashion.
It is built on top of WebFlux’s WebClient
, so both spring-boot-starter-elasticsearch
and spring-boot-starter-webflux
dependencies are useful to enable this support.
By default, Spring Boot will auto-configure and register a ReactiveElasticsearchClient
bean that targets localhost:9200
You can further tune how it is configured, as shown in the following example:
If the configuration properties are not enough and you’d like to fully control the client
configuration, you can register a custom ClientConfiguration
1.5.3. Connecting to Elasticsearch using Jest
Now that Spring Boot supports the official RestHighLevelClient
, Jest support is deprecated.
If you have Jest
on the classpath, you can inject an auto-configured JestClient
that by default targets localhost:9200
You can further tune how the client is configured, as shown in the following example:
You can also register an arbitrary number of beans that implement HttpClientConfigBuilderCustomizer
for more advanced customizations.
The following example tunes additional HTTP settings:
static class HttpSettingsCustomizer implements HttpClientConfigBuilderCustomizer {
public void customize(HttpClientConfig.Builder builder) {
To take full control over the registration, define a JestClient
1.5.4. Connecting to Elasticsearch by Using Spring Data
To connect to Elasticsearch, a RestHighLevelClient
bean must be defined,
auto-configured by Spring Boot or manually provided by the application (see previous sections).
With this configuration in place, an
can be injected like any other Spring bean,
as shown in the following example:
public class MyBean {
private final ElasticsearchRestTemplate template;
public MyBean(ElasticsearchRestTemplate template) {
this.template = template;
// ...
In the presence of spring-data-elasticsearch
and the required dependencies for using a WebClient
(typically spring-boot-starter-webflux
), Spring Boot can also auto-configure a ReactiveElasticsearchClient and a ReactiveElasticsearchTemplate
as beans.
They are the reactive equivalent of the other REST clients.
1.5.5. Spring Data Elasticsearch Repositories
Spring Data includes repository support for Elasticsearch. As with the JPA repositories discussed earlier, the basic principle is that queries are constructed for you automatically based on method names.
In fact, both Spring Data JPA and Spring Data Elasticsearch share the same common infrastructure.
You could take the JPA example from earlier and, assuming that City
is now an Elasticsearch @Document
class rather than a JPA @Entity
, it works in the same way.
For complete details of Spring Data Elasticsearch, refer to the reference documentation. |
Spring Boot supports both classic and reactive Elasticsearch repositories, using the ElasticsearchRestTemplate
or ReactiveElasticsearchTemplate
Most likely those beans are auto-configured by Spring Boot given the required dependencies are present.
If you wish to use your own template for backing the Elasticsearch repositories, you can add your own ElasticsearchRestTemplate
or ElasticsearchOperations
, as long as it is named "elasticsearchTemplate"
Same applies to ReactiveElasticsearchTemplate
and ReactiveElasticsearchOperations
, with the bean name "reactiveElasticsearchTemplate"
You can choose to disable the repositories support with the following property:
1.6. Cassandra
Cassandra is an open source, distributed database management system designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers.
Spring Boot offers auto-configuration for Cassandra and the abstractions on top of it provided by Spring Data Cassandra.
There is a spring-boot-starter-data-cassandra
“Starter” for collecting the dependencies in a convenient way.
1.6.1. Connecting to Cassandra
You can inject an auto-configured CassandraTemplate
or a Cassandra Session
instance as you would with any other Spring Bean.
The spring.data.cassandra.*
properties can be used to customize the connection.
Generally, you provide keyspace-name
and contact-points
properties, as shown in the following example:
You can also register an arbitrary number of beans that implement ClusterBuilderCustomizer
for more advanced customizations.
The following code listing shows how to inject a Cassandra bean:
public class MyBean {
private CassandraTemplate template;
public MyBean(CassandraTemplate template) {
this.template = template;
// ...
If you add your own @Bean
of type CassandraTemplate
, it replaces the default.
1.6.2. Spring Data Cassandra Repositories
Spring Data includes basic repository support for Cassandra.
Currently, this is more limited than the JPA repositories discussed earlier and needs to annotate finder methods with @Query
For complete details of Spring Data Cassandra, refer to the reference documentation. |
1.7. Couchbase
Couchbase is an open-source, distributed, multi-model NoSQL document-oriented database that is optimized for interactive applications.
Spring Boot offers auto-configuration for Couchbase and the abstractions on top of it provided by Spring Data Couchbase.
There are spring-boot-starter-data-couchbase
and spring-boot-starter-data-couchbase-reactive
“Starters” for collecting the dependencies in a convenient way.
1.7.1. Connecting to Couchbase
You can get a Bucket
and Cluster
by adding the Couchbase SDK and some configuration.
The spring.couchbase.*
properties can be used to customize the connection.
Generally, you provide the bootstrap hosts, bucket name, and password, as shown in the following example:
You need to provide at least the bootstrap host(s), in which case the bucket name is default and the password is an empty String.
Alternatively, you can define your own org.springframework.data.couchbase.config.CouchbaseConfigurer @Bean to take control over the whole configuration.
It is also possible to customize some of the CouchbaseEnvironment
For instance, the following configuration changes the timeout to use to open a new Bucket
and enables SSL support:
Check the spring.couchbase.env.*
properties for more details.
1.7.2. Spring Data Couchbase Repositories
Spring Data includes repository support for Couchbase. For complete details of Spring Data Couchbase, refer to the reference documentation.
You can inject an auto-configured CouchbaseTemplate
instance as you would with any other Spring Bean, provided a default CouchbaseConfigurer
is available (which happens when you enable Couchbase support, as explained earlier).
The following examples shows how to inject a Couchbase bean:
public class MyBean {
private final CouchbaseTemplate template;
public MyBean(CouchbaseTemplate template) {
this.template = template;
// ...
There are a few beans that you can define in your own configuration to override those provided by the auto-configuration:
with a name ofcouchbaseTemplate
. -
with a name ofcouchbaseIndexManager
. -
with a name ofcouchbaseCustomConversions
To avoid hard-coding those names in your own config, you can reuse BeanNames
provided by Spring Data Couchbase.
For instance, you can customize the converters to use, as follows:
@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
public class SomeConfiguration {
public CustomConversions myCustomConversions() {
return new CustomConversions(...);
// ...
If you want to fully bypass the auto-configuration for Spring Data Couchbase, provide your own implementation of org.springframework.data.couchbase.config.AbstractCouchbaseDataConfiguration .
1.8. LDAP
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is an open, vendor-neutral, industry standard application protocol for accessing and maintaining distributed directory information services over an IP network. Spring Boot offers auto-configuration for any compliant LDAP server as well as support for the embedded in-memory LDAP server from UnboundID.
LDAP abstractions are provided by Spring Data LDAP.
There is a spring-boot-starter-data-ldap
“Starter” for collecting the dependencies in a convenient way.
1.8.1. Connecting to an LDAP Server
To connect to an LDAP server, make sure you declare a dependency on the spring-boot-starter-data-ldap
“Starter” or spring-ldap-core
and then declare the URLs of your server in your application.properties, as shown in the following example:
If you need to customize connection settings, you can use the spring.ldap.base
and spring.ldap.base-environment
An LdapContextSource
is auto-configured based on these settings.
If you need to customize it, for instance to use a PooledContextSource
, you can still inject the auto-configured LdapContextSource
Make sure to flag your customized ContextSource
as @Primary
so that the auto-configured LdapTemplate
uses it.
1.8.2. Spring Data LDAP Repositories
Spring Data includes repository support for LDAP. For complete details of Spring Data LDAP, refer to the reference documentation.
You can also inject an auto-configured LdapTemplate
instance as you would with any other Spring Bean, as shown in the following example:
public class MyBean {
private final LdapTemplate template;
public MyBean(LdapTemplate template) {
this.template = template;
// ...
1.8.3. Embedded In-memory LDAP Server
For testing purposes, Spring Boot supports auto-configuration of an in-memory LDAP server from UnboundID.
To configure the server, add a dependency to com.unboundid:unboundid-ldapsdk
and declare a configprop:spring.ldap.embedded.base-dn[] property, as follows:
It is possible to define multiple base-dn values, however, since distinguished names usually contain commas, they must be defined using the correct notation. In yaml files, you can use the yaml list notation:
In properties files, you must include the index as part of the property name:
By default, the server starts on a random port and triggers the regular LDAP support. There is no need to specify a configprop:spring.ldap.urls[] property.
If there is a schema.ldif
file on your classpath, it is used to initialize the server.
If you want to load the initialization script from a different resource, you can also use the configprop:spring.ldap.embedded.ldif[] property.
By default, a standard schema is used to validate LDIF
You can turn off validation altogether by setting the configprop:spring.ldap.embedded.validation.enabled[] property.
If you have custom attributes, you can use configprop:spring.ldap.embedded.validation.schema[] to define your custom attribute types or object classes.
1.9. InfluxDB
InfluxDB is an open-source time series database optimized for fast, high-availability storage and retrieval of time series data in fields such as operations monitoring, application metrics, Internet-of-Things sensor data, and real-time analytics.
1.9.1. Connecting to InfluxDB
Spring Boot auto-configures an InfluxDB
instance, provided the influxdb-java
client is on the classpath and the URL of the database is set, as shown in the following example:
If the connection to InfluxDB requires a user and password, you can set the spring.influx.user
and spring.influx.password
properties accordingly.
InfluxDB relies on OkHttp.
If you need to tune the http client InfluxDB
uses behind the scenes, you can register an InfluxDbOkHttpClientBuilderProvider