Using Spring’s CCI Access Support

This section describes how to use Spring’s support for CCI to achieve various purposes. It includes the following topics:

Record Conversion

One of the aims of Spring’s JCA CCI support is to provide convenient facilities for manipulating CCI records. You can specify the strategy to create records and extract data from records, for use with Spring’s CciTemplate. The interfaces described in this section configure the strategy to use input and output records if you do not want to work with records directly in your application.

To create an input Record, you can use a dedicated implementation of the RecordCreator interface. The following listing shows the RecordCreator interface definition:

public interface RecordCreator {

	Record createRecord(RecordFactory recordFactory) throws ResourceException, DataAccessException;


The createRecord(..) method receives a RecordFactory instance as a parameter, which corresponds to the RecordFactory of the ConnectionFactory used. You can use this reference to create IndexedRecord or MappedRecord instances. The following sample shows how to use the RecordCreator interface and indexed or mapped records:

public class MyRecordCreator implements RecordCreator {

	public Record createRecord(RecordFactory recordFactory) throws ResourceException {
		IndexedRecord input = recordFactory.createIndexedRecord("input");
		input.add(new Integer(id));
		return input;


You can use an output Record to receive data back from the EIS. Hence, you can pass a specific implementation of the RecordExtractor interface to Spring’s CciTemplate to extract data from the output Record. The following listing shows the RecordExtractor interface definition:

public interface RecordExtractor {

	Object extractData(Record record) throws ResourceException, SQLException, DataAccessException;


The following example shows how to use the RecordExtractor interface:

public class MyRecordExtractor implements RecordExtractor {

	public Object extractData(Record record) throws ResourceException {
		CommAreaRecord commAreaRecord = (CommAreaRecord) record;
		String str = new String(commAreaRecord.toByteArray());
		String field1 = string.substring(0,6);
		String field2 = string.substring(6,1);
		return new OutputObject(Long.parseLong(field1), field2);


Using CciTemplate

The CciTemplate is the central class of the core CCI support package ( org.springframework.jca.cci.core). It simplifies the use of CCI, since it handles the creation and release of resources. This helps to avoid common errors, such as forgetting to always close the connection. It cares for the lifecycle of connection and interaction objects, letting application code focus on generating input records from application data and extracting application data from output records.

The JCA CCI specification defines two distinct methods to call operations on an EIS. The CCI Interaction interface provides two execute method signatures, as the following listing shows:

public interface javax.resource.cci.Interaction {


	boolean execute(InteractionSpec spec, Record input, Record output) throws ResourceException;

	Record execute(InteractionSpec spec, Record input) throws ResourceException;



Depending on the template method called, CciTemplate knows which execute method to call on the interaction. In any case, a correctly initialized InteractionSpec instance is mandatory.

You can use CciTemplate.execute(..) in two ways:

  • With direct Record arguments. In this case, you need to pass in the CCI input record, and the returned object is the corresponding CCI output record.

  • With application objects, by using record mapping. In this case, you need to provide corresponding RecordCreator and RecordExtractor instances.

With the first approach, the following methods (which directly correspond to those on the Interaction interface) of the template are used:

public class CciTemplate implements CciOperations {

	public Record execute(InteractionSpec spec, Record inputRecord)
			throws DataAccessException { ... }

	public void execute(InteractionSpec spec, Record inputRecord, Record outputRecord)
			throws DataAccessException { ... }


With the second approach, we need to specify the record creation and record extraction strategies as arguments. The interfaces used are those describe in the previous section on record conversion. The following listing shows the corresponding CciTemplate methods:

public class CciTemplate implements CciOperations {

	public Record execute(InteractionSpec spec,
			RecordCreator inputCreator) throws DataAccessException {
		// ...

	public Object execute(InteractionSpec spec, Record inputRecord,
			RecordExtractor outputExtractor) throws DataAccessException {
		// ...

	public Object execute(InteractionSpec spec, RecordCreator creator,
			RecordExtractor extractor) throws DataAccessException {
		// ...


Unless the outputRecordCreator property is set on the template (see the following section), every method calls the corresponding execute method of the CCI Interaction with two parameters: InteractionSpec and an input Record. It receives an output Record as its return value.

CciTemplate also provides methods to create IndexRecord and MappedRecord outside of a RecordCreator implementation, through its createIndexRecord(..) and createMappedRecord(..) methods. You can use this within DAO implementations to create Record instances to pass into corresponding CciTemplate.execute(..) methods. The following listing shows the CciTemplate interface definition:

public class CciTemplate implements CciOperations {

	public IndexedRecord createIndexedRecord(String name) throws DataAccessException { ... }

	public MappedRecord createMappedRecord(String name) throws DataAccessException { ... }


Using DAO Support

Spring’s CCI support provides an abstract class for DAOs, supporting injection of a ConnectionFactory or a CciTemplate instance. The name of the class is CciDaoSupport. It provides simple setConnectionFactory and setCciTemplate methods. Internally, this class creates a CciTemplate instance for a passed-in ConnectionFactory, exposing it to concrete data access implementations in subclasses. The following example shows how to use CciDaoSupport:

public abstract class CciDaoSupport {

	public void setConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
		// ...

	public ConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory() {
		// ...

	public void setCciTemplate(CciTemplate cciTemplate) {
		// ...

	public CciTemplate getCciTemplate() {
		// ...


Automatic Output Record Generation

If the connector you use supports only the Interaction.execute(..) method with input and output records as parameters (that is, it requires the desired output record to be passed in instead of returning an appropriate output record), you can set the outputRecordCreator property of the CciTemplate to automatically generate an output record to be filled by the JCA connector when the response is received. This record is then returned to the caller of the template.

This property holds an implementation of the RecordCreator interface, to be used for that purpose. You must directly specify the outputRecordCreator property on the CciTemplate. The following example shows how to do so:

cciTemplate.setOutputRecordCreator(new EciOutputRecordCreator());

Alternatively (and we recommend this approach), in the Spring configuration, if the CciTemplate is configured as a dedicated bean instance, you can define beans in the following fashion:

<bean id="eciOutputRecordCreator" class="eci.EciOutputRecordCreator"/>

<bean id="cciTemplate" class="org.springframework.jca.cci.core.CciTemplate">
	<property name="connectionFactory" ref="eciConnectionFactory"/>
	<property name="outputRecordCreator" ref="eciOutputRecordCreator"/>
As the CciTemplate class is thread-safe, it is usually configured as a shared instance.

CciTemplate Interaction Summary

The following table summarizes the mechanisms of the CciTemplate class and the corresponding methods called on the CCI Interaction interface:

Table 1. Usage of Interaction execute methods
CciTemplate method signature CciTemplate outputRecordCreator property execute method called on the CCI Interaction

Record execute(InteractionSpec, Record)

Not set

Record execute(InteractionSpec, Record)

Record execute(InteractionSpec, Record)


boolean execute(InteractionSpec, Record, Record)

void execute(InteractionSpec, Record, Record)

Not set

void execute(InteractionSpec, Record, Record)

void execute(InteractionSpec, Record, Record)


void execute(InteractionSpec, Record, Record)

Record execute(InteractionSpec, RecordCreator)

Not set

Record execute(InteractionSpec, Record)

Record execute(InteractionSpec, RecordCreator)


void execute(InteractionSpec, Record, Record)

Record execute(InteractionSpec, Record, RecordExtractor)

Not set

Record execute(InteractionSpec, Record)

Record execute(InteractionSpec, Record, RecordExtractor)


void execute(InteractionSpec, Record, Record)

Record execute(InteractionSpec, RecordCreator, RecordExtractor)

Not set

Record execute(InteractionSpec, Record)

Record execute(InteractionSpec, RecordCreator, RecordExtractor)


void execute(InteractionSpec, Record, Record)

Using a CCI Connection and an Interaction Directly

CciTemplate also lets you work directly with CCI connections and interactions, in the same manner as JdbcTemplate and JmsTemplate. This is useful when you want to perform multiple operations on a CCI connection or interaction, for example.

The ConnectionCallback interface provides a CCI Connection as an argument (to perform custom operations on it) plus the CCI ConnectionFactory with which the Connection was created. The latter can be useful (for example, to get an associated RecordFactory instance and create indexed/mapped records). The following listing shows the ConnectionCallback interface definition:

public interface ConnectionCallback {

	Object doInConnection(Connection connection, ConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
			throws ResourceException, SQLException, DataAccessException;


The InteractionCallback interface provides the CCI Interaction (to perform custom operations on it) plus the corresponding CCI ConnectionFactory. The following listing shows the InteractionCallback interface definition:

public interface InteractionCallback {

	Object doInInteraction(Interaction interaction, ConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
		throws ResourceException, SQLException, DataAccessException;

InteractionSpec objects can either be shared across multiple template calls or be newly created inside every callback method. This is completely up to the DAO implementation.

Example of CciTemplate Usage

In this section, we show the usage of the CciTemplate to access a CICS with ECI mode, with the IBM CICS ECI connector.

First, we must do some initializations on the CCI InteractionSpec to specify which CICS program to access and how to interact with it, as the following example shows:

ECIInteractionSpec interactionSpec = new ECIInteractionSpec();

Then the program can use CCI through Spring’s template and specify mappings between custom objects and CCI Records, as the following example shows:

public class MyDaoImpl extends CciDaoSupport implements MyDao {

	public OutputObject getData(InputObject input) {
		ECIInteractionSpec interactionSpec = ...;

	OutputObject output = (ObjectOutput) getCciTemplate().execute(interactionSpec,
		new RecordCreator() {
			public Record createRecord(RecordFactory recordFactory) throws ResourceException {
				return new CommAreaRecord(input.toString().getBytes());
		new RecordExtractor() {
			public Object extractData(Record record) throws ResourceException {
				CommAreaRecord commAreaRecord = (CommAreaRecord)record;
				String str = new String(commAreaRecord.toByteArray());
				String field1 = string.substring(0,6);
				String field2 = string.substring(6,1);
				return new OutputObject(Long.parseLong(field1), field2);

		return output;

As discussed previously, you can use callbacks to work directly on CCI connections or interactions. The following example shows how to do so:

public class MyDaoImpl extends CciDaoSupport implements MyDao {

	public OutputObject getData(InputObject input) {
		ObjectOutput output = (ObjectOutput) getCciTemplate().execute(
			new ConnectionCallback() {
				public Object doInConnection(Connection connection,
						ConnectionFactory factory) throws ResourceException {

					// do something...

		return output;

With a ConnectionCallback, the Connection used is managed and closed by the CciTemplate, but the callback implementation must manage any interactions created on the connection.

For a more specific callback, you can implement an InteractionCallback. If you do so, the passed-in Interaction is managed and closed by the CciTemplate. The following example shows how to do so:

public class MyDaoImpl extends CciDaoSupport implements MyDao {

	public String getData(String input) {
		ECIInteractionSpec interactionSpec = ...;
		String output = (String) getCciTemplate().execute(interactionSpec,
			new InteractionCallback() {
				public Object doInInteraction(Interaction interaction,
						ConnectionFactory factory) throws ResourceException {
					Record input = new CommAreaRecord(inputString.getBytes());
					Record output = new CommAreaRecord();
					interaction.execute(holder.getInteractionSpec(), input, output);
					return new String(output.toByteArray());
		return output;


For the preceding examples, the corresponding configuration of the involved Spring beans could resemble the following example in non-managed mode:

<bean id="managedConnectionFactory" class="">
	<property name="serverName" value="TXSERIES"/>
	<property name="connectionURL" value="local:"/>
	<property name="userName" value="CICSUSER"/>
	<property name="password" value="CICS"/>

<bean id="connectionFactory" class="">
	<property name="managedConnectionFactory" ref="managedConnectionFactory"/>

<bean id="component" class="mypackage.MyDaoImpl">
	<property name="connectionFactory" ref="connectionFactory"/>

In managed mode (that is, in a Java EE environment), the configuration could resemble the following example:

<jee:jndi-lookup id="connectionFactory" jndi-name="eis/cicseci"/>

<bean id="component" class="MyDaoImpl">
	<property name="connectionFactory" ref="connectionFactory"/>